Tips for Keeping Your Employees Healthy

When you run a business, it is not only your responsibility to make sure your employees are well-trained, but also to provide a safe and healthy work environment for them. Having employees that are constantly ill is not only bad for morale, but can have a negative effect on your business since they might be missing a lot of work or not productive while at work. Here are some different ways to have a healthy work environment and promote wellness.

Keep the Business Property Clean

First of all, a lot of illnesses with employees occur in the workplace, usually from transferred germs or with allergy problems. In both cases, it can be remedied by keeping your office or other business property clean. For people who struggle with allergies, it is good to have a commercial cleaning company that will vacuum and clean the floors, wipe off desks and countertops, and wash the windows. Commercial window cleaning is important because a lot of dust can build up, making it really hard on people with allergies. Similarly, these cleaning task are good for reducing the spread of germs by cleaning work surfaces often.

Offer an On-Site Wellness Program

Another way you can improve the overall health of your employees is by introducing a wellness program. This can be anything from having group yoga sessions during lunchtime, or encouraging employees to buddy up during morning breaks to walk around the building. You can also go one step further and turn one of your offices into an on-site gym with a treadmill, elliptical, weight bench, and other fitness equipment. You might also want to provide discounted passes that your employees can use for a local fitness center.

Provide Healthier Snack Options

A major issue with physical health is eating too many foods and snacks that are unhealthy. In a work environment, this is easy to do when your vending machines are filled with chips and candy, you offer free donuts every morning, and there is always a cake being brought in for an employee's birthday party. Consider some healthier snack options in your vending machine or by bringing in fresh fruit and yogurt for breakfast instead of donuts.

Encourage Ill Employees to Stay Home

You should also remain accommodating for employees who are ill, and allow them to call in sick without negative consequences. This is going to prevent their germs from being spread around, causing even more workers to be out sick for longer stretches of time.

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Exploring Residential Windows

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